Podiatry is an arm of medicine committed to the treatment of lower body extremities, primarily the foot and ankle. Podiatry as a term was first introduced in the United States in the 20th century. It is now widely used across the world.
Podiatrist physicians are trained in physiology, human anatomy, surgery, pathophysiology, sociological and psychological perspectives, general medicine, and pharmacology.
United States trained podiatric physicians alternate through major areas of medicine receiving exposure and practice to the following areas: surgery, sports medicine, biomechanics, geriatrics, internal medicine, diabetes, vascular, neurological, pediatrics, dermatological, orthopedics, or primary care.
Podiatric Care and Diabetes
Many podiatrists provide treatment to people suffering from diabetes. Diabetic patients are especially vulnerable to issues involving the foot because they have less nerves in the area. It is important for diabetic patients to continually monitor their feet. This should be done at least once a day to be sure that no sores or cuts are open to infection. In a worst case scenario, diabetic patients may need an amputation to prevent infection from spreading.
The amount of amputations that occur in diabetic patients each year is alarming. It all starts with education. The more people are informed, the better they will be for the future.
For more information regarding diabetes and foot care please see the informational video below: